Saturday, August 16, 2014


Taking chances is terrifying. You get the queasy feeling knowing you just put yourself out on the line. Hoping the chance is worth it. Take roulette for example, you're placing a bet on what you HOPE is the winning number. My winning number is 24. I was at Winstar gambling for my Dad's birthday and I found myself hypnotized by the sound of chips being placed on the red and black table. Surprisingly, I ended up winning a total of $480.00 and it was because of taking a chance. There you are holding chips, placing on a number that you hope by some odd fate it hits. However, those split seconds of deciding which number is worthy of choice, you experience a wave of emotions. Nerves, doubt, faith, and pure fear. Until you hear the dealer say, "WINNER 24 black!"
Now the chances of hitting your number are slim and when it does happen it is well worth it. You not only win, but win big. So, if you're at a point in your life where you're trying to decide if you should take a chance or not, maybe this message is what you've been waiting for. I hope it encourages you to act. You are going to be nervous of course, mostly about failure. Most definitely you will doubt your choice. No doubt faith will be the hardest thing to have. Lastly, you're going to be fearful. But you know what? It's okay. That's right, IT IS OKAY! But what if you take this chance, bet on yourself, and win big!!! Whether it be moving to a new place, starting a new career, or even taking a chance on love. I can promise you this, enduring all these emotions is well worth the pay out because it's going to get you exactly where you belong.

XOXO, Tara

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